Episode 31 – Part 1: Parenting a Child Through Anxiety, Depression, and Sexual Abuse with Brett Rogers

1 thought on “Episode 31 – Part 1: Parenting a Child Through Anxiety, Depression, and Sexual Abuse with Brett Rogers”

  1. Vickie Lazenby-Garvin

    Wow, I had no idea of all you went through . I went through something similar and when I finally got out of it, my first thoughts were ….. I have to do something so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else.
    So proud of you, and what an amazing supportive family. I so admire your strength and that you are doing something to help others.

    Some of your thoughts have made it clearer, that I need to forgive myself.

    Keeping you in my prayers. Love all of you.

    Keep up the great work.!
    Aunt Vickie

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