The meaning of Namaste is ‘The divine light in me honors and sees the divine light in you’ and that statement is the epitome of what I experienced at the Lights Festival. I found myself wondering what each person’s story was – why they were there, what they wrote, what they were releasing. But then I knew. Because even though the fine lines in our stories are different, the feelings are universal. We’ve all felt the pain, the loneliness, the fears. We’ve all craved the peace, the joy, the happiness. And that’s why we were all there. Releasing the lanterns filled with the insecurities, the anxieties, the hurt. 5,000 released together – not one soul alone or left behind. Then when the light of the lantern burned out, so did the worries – they were let go and released. Burdens lifted, heartbreak healed, and in it’s place, love and connection flourished. As the fears burned out, a light was ignited in the hearts of each person. It was a beautiful, peaceful, and profound experience. Namaste. The divine light in me honors and sees the divine light in you. #WhatLightsYou
Tune into my podcast episode – The Light Within Us All – about the stories, experiences, and lessons I learned going to a Lights Festival two years in a row!